Selling The Way Customers Want to Buy
Advanced Sales Training and E-Learning for IT and High-Tech Sales
Selling the Way Customers Want to Buy
Think about your most recent purchase. Whether you purchased a car, television, fridge-freezer, furniture, or mobile phone you probably had some thoughts on the salesperson’s approach, style, or technique. Did the salesperson really listen to your needs, did the selling style match your buying style? Did the salesperson simply rattle off a list of the products features, or did they relate what the product could do for you and explain the benefits in a way that involved your buying criteria?
IT and High-Tech Sales
The way we sell technology should be the way we sell anything else – selling the way customers want to buy. Technology business customers’ interests lie in solving business issues and implementing long term strategies, not in hardware features, line speeds and bits and bytes.
Industry specific, business benefits-driven messages are the most effective for gaining the interests of customers. Focus your approach and account management on the customer’s business objectives and prioritise your benefit statements accordingly – industry selling is essential.
Don’t get drawn into a competitive product technical features battle. When dealing with competition focus the discussion on problem solving, opportunity development and business benefits you have identified and, jointly with the customer, made part of the purchase criteria. Make the competition compete on your terms and show how you can solve or deliver these benefits better than they can. If you have true value-added advantages, it will be very difficult for the competition to out-sell your solution.
Sales training should provide the tools to help salespeople understand their target customers business and become expert in identifying problems and opportunities - specifying solutions and even introducing thought leadership and innovation. Industry knowledge allows you to develop a client-consultant relationship that is critical for account development and long-term success. Solution selling skills help you relate that knowledge to specific sales situations.
In Conclusion
Think about your last few sales calls did you sell product features, or did you focus on solving the customer’s problems. If you cannot match your technology to realistic business needs, then you are probably wasting your time.
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